Job Hunt Tip: Use your network. Your network is probably bigger than you think, so use it to your advantage. Ask family and friends if they hear of anything.
Job Hunt Tip: Don’t make age an issue. Some employers might be younger than you. Don’t get worked up about your age, and rather just focus on your skills.
Job Hunt Tip: Read the advert carefully, and follow all the application instructions exactly. You don’t want to not be considered because you missed something.
Job Hunt Tip: It’s important that you stay current on the expectations of today’s job hunt. For example, most employers prefer email applications these days.
Job Hunt Tip: Never put a pause on your job search. Even if you’ve applied to your dream job, cross your fingers and keep sending off those applications.
Job Hunt Tip: When practising interviewing, practise on making eye contact, and on speaking clearly and confidently. Also focus on not fidgeting.
Job Hunt Tip: Ask a friend or family member to help you practice your interviewing skills by asking you common interview questions.
Job Hunt Tip: Besides the warm and fuzzy feeling it brings, volunteering is a great way to make up for employment gaps or lack of work experience.
Job Hunt Tip: Show your personality. Employers want to see what makes you stand out from everyone else, so be professional, but be yourself in your interview.
Job Hunt Tip: Stay motivated during your job search by setting goals. Challenge yourself to submit five applications a day, for example.