Job Hunt Tip: Check multiple job websites. Some smaller ones often focus on a specific location or career field. Be sure to check those, too.
Job Hunt Tip: Consider using a recruiter or a placement agency to help you find a position. First check if they expect to be paid by you, or by an employer.
Job Hunt Tip: Use job search engines where you can find jobs by key words or category and by area.
Job Hunt Tip: If you’re laid off or your contract expires, apply for unemployment benefits as soon as possible.
Job Hunt Tip: Don’t include so much information that it makes your CV looks cluttered. Avoid long paragraphs with very little white space.
Job Hunt Tip: Portray yourself positively and with confidence in an interview, but never come across as cocky or arrogant.
Job Hunt Tip: Always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job, and make the interviewers realise why they need you in their organisation.
Job Hunt Tip: Be friendly, but be careful not to share too much or get too comfortable in an interview.
Job Hunt Tip: Talk about the company in the cover letter, and tell them what impresses you about the company and why you want to work for them.
Job Hunt Tip: Set up email alerts on job-hunting websites so that you can stay up to date with the latest relevant posts.