Need to Find a Job? Use Twitter!


Not Just a Social App

There are hundreds of job websites on the Internet where you can find and apply for plenty of jobs. LinkedIn and are probably the first sites that spring to mind when it comes to job-hunting, but did you know that you can utilise Twitter for the same purpose?

That’s right – you can use the social media platform to search for jobs!

All it takes is a few tweaks to your profile, conducting the necessary research with the aid of hashtags, networking, and following professionals and leading companies in your chosen industry, among other helpful tips.

Important Steps to Follow

When you begin your job-hunt on Twitter, remember to keep these six tips in mind:

  1. Clean Up Your Profile

Your Twitter account may not be as formal or as long as a standard CV or online job profile, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it look professional.

Make sure your profile and header pictures are clear, visible and suitable for work. A headshot photo of yourself and a banner depicting a landscape or your favourite inspirational quote conveys a clean, efficient and professional image (and an attitude to match).

As for your Twitter bio, be concise but not too formal. Include keywords that make you searchable for employees, plus include a fun fact about yourself such as your interests or hobbies, eg. “Graphic/website design graduate and freelance artist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Exercise enthusiast and cat-lover.”

If employers wish to learn more about you, provide links to your LinkedIn profile, your portfolio, etc.

  1. Follow The Pros

Networking on an online platform such as Twitter allows you to not only share and discuss your thoughts with like-minded people, but to also make prospective employers aware of you, show them that you’re serious and interested about your chosen industry, and that you have the potential to align with their brands, all of which can increase your chances of being hired.

Share, like, retweet and comment on quotes, articles, photos, videos, opinions and other related content tweeted by professionals, leading companies and thought leaders in your chosen industry. Following and interacting with your friends, university/college peers and former colleagues also make for invaluable connections to build and cultivate.

Be sure to post, share and like appropriate content. Endorsing controversial tweets, posting pictures from a wild night out or waging Twitter wars against other users can paint you as immature and irresponsible in the eyes of employers.

There’s no limit as to how many times you tweet and engage with those you follow. However, if you’re determined to build relationships with those who are knowledgeable about a specific career field, eg. software design, you need to show them that you have an active Twitter presence and you can keep up with what’s happening in the world of IT.

  1. Create Lists

To filter through the content that appears on your Twitter feed or notifications timeline – and to make searching for a job much easier – create custom lists. Lists allow you to organise and prioritise tweets and accounts by group, topic or interest.

For example, if you’re looking for vacancies in part-time tutoring, you can create a list of relevant companies that specialise in tutoring. Or perhaps you can create a list of accounts that deal solely with freelance artists and how to provide commissions to customers. Another option is to create a list revolving around companies that are hiring graduates with your degree.

Don’t forget, you have an option to keep these lists private or public, so adjust these settings accordingly (especially whether or not you want employers to see them).

  1. Use Hashtags to Narrow Down the Search

Searching popular hashtags can help you get your foot in the door. Type in the relevant hashtags – for example, “#Hiring”, “#JobOpening”, “#JobPosting”, “#NowHiring”, etc – in Twitter’s search feature. The results of your search will show a variety of job opportunities for you to explore.

If you’re looking for openings in a specific career field, modify your hashtags to suit your needs, eg.“#devjobs”, “#accountingjobs”, “#freelance”, “salesjobs”, etc.

  1. Search The Right Terms

To narrow down your job even further, such as the location or the position, be specific in the search feature. Use the following combination: “location + job level + job/hiring/vacancy + industry”.

For example, writing “Nairobi + graduate + job + culinary” or “Harare + senior + hiring + advertising” will show you all the possible results relating to these search terms. Filter by location, from people you follow or by anyone!

If you wish to include certain hashtags or accounts in your search, click on “Advanced Search” to fill in the respective fields.

  1. Integrate TweetDeck

TweetDeck is a handy tool that lets you view multiple timelines on one interface. You also have the option to add columns that show search results, a list of likes, the latest tweets stemming from a hashtag or trend, job openings, updates from your chosen industry, etc.

Simply open the TweetDeck app on your desktop app for your PC and Mac, log in with your Twitter account, and connect one or more accounts to it.

Now You’re Ready!

With these know-hows in mind, you’ll find that Twitter is the perfect tool to help you get started on your job-hunt. Work through these steps carefully and you’re sure to make strides in towards achieving career success. Try it out and good luck!