How to Use Facebook to Find a Job!


More Than Just Social Media

There are hundreds of job websites available online where you can discover and apply for a multitude of career opportunities. While LinkedIn and are popular choices for job-seekers, it is worth noting that social media can also be utilised for job searches.

In this instance, Facebook – a popular social networking platform – can be used to find the job of your dreams. In addition to connecting with family and friends, you can also use the site to connect with potential employers and recruiters.

So, if you have a Facebook account, here’s how you can get started on your job-hunt!

What You Need to Do

When you begin your job-hunt on Facebook, remember to keep these seven tips in mind:

1. Update Your Profile

Employers often check social media profiles of job applicants, so it’s crucial to present yourself in the best light possible. Make sure your Facebook profile is up-to-date and professional. This includes having a clear profile picture, a professional bio, and accurate information about your work experience and skills.

Don’t forget to go through your older posts, select the ones you think are the most inappropriate or unsuitable, and then delete them. Alternatively, you can hide posts, archive them, or play around with the privacy settings so that only you, or certain people, can view them.

2. Use The Job Search Feature

On the left side of your Facebook profile, click on the “See more” tab. Here, you will find the “Jobs” tab – by clicking on it, you will be able to access the platform’s job search feature.

By utilising this feature, you can browse and apply for job listings directly on the platform. You can search for jobs by industry, location and job type – eg. full-time educator in Lagos, Nigeria – plus you can find opportunities that match your interests and qualifications. Check the job listings on Facebook and apply to any relevant positions that you come across.

3. Get On The Same Page (and Group)

Imagine you’re a graphic designer, and you’re either looking for a full-time job or freelance work. On Facebook, start by liking pages and joining groups that are related to graphic design, such as graphic design companies, design studios, freelance graphic design groups, etc. By doing so, you will be able to stay updated on available job postings, keep abreast of industry news, and connect with other professionals in your field.

In short, remember to like, follow and contribute to Facebook pages and groups that relate to your career and interests!

4. Get To Networking

On Facebook, not only can you share and discuss your thoughts with like-minded people, but you can also make prospective employers aware of you, show them that you’re serious and interested about your chosen industry, and that you have the potential to align with their brands, all of which can increase your chances of being hired.

Share, like and comment on articles, photos, videos, opinions and other related content posted by professionals, leading companies and thought leaders in your chosen industry. There’s no limit as to how many times you engage with those you follow. However, if you’re determined to build relationships with those who are knowledgeable about a specific career field, eg. mechanical engineering, you need to show them that you have an active Facebook presence and you can keep up with what’s happening in the world of engineering.

5. Turn Your Gallery Into a Portfolio

Galleries aren’t just for photos and videos from your friends’ parties and your overseas holidays – you can now use it as a portfolio!

Whether you’re an artist, photographer, musician, architect, motivational speaker or engineer, you can upload images and video clips of your projects, designs, prototypes, presentations or any other pieces to your Facebook photo gallery, which you can showcase to potential employers.

Add captions or descriptions to your pieces to provide context and highlight each work’s key points. Don’t forget to utilise hashtags to make your portfolio more accessible and so it can reach a wider audience in the industry.

6. Link Up

You might not be able to upload your CV or portfolio in full, but you CAN include links to them.

In the “About” section of your Facebook profile, you can add links to work-related documents such as your CV, your online portfolio, your LinkedIn profile, etc. You can also share these links in the “Work and Education” section.

Make sure these links are publicly accessible or at least shareable with anyone who has the links. This way, potential employers can easily view your work credentials and qualifications.

7. Adjust Your Privacy Settings

If you’re in the market for a new job, you don’t want to create a bad impression on potential employers, who may not be convinced to hire you if they see your old party photos from college, or your recent debate with an online troll about why your favourite celebrity is better than theirs.

By the same token, your current employer won’t be happy with you if they see that you’re using your Facebook account to bash them or to find a new job!

To boost your professional image (and keep it separate from your personal life), adjust your privacy settings so that you can control who can view your posts or your overall profile: you can choose to make these visible to only your friends, to everyone or a custom list of people.

Get Going!

If used properly, Facebook can be a powerful tool for finding a job. By following the aforementioned tips, you will be able to leverage your profile and attract potential employers. Good luck!

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